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We completed the acquisition of 100% interest in CR Pharmaceutical Retail Group which wholly owned CR Care, a company principally engaged in pharmacy business in China and Hong Kong.
CR Pharmaceutical Holdings was awarded the “Top 10 PRC Pharmaceutical Group of 2015 (中制作药品服务业中小型集团公司简介前十)” at the ChemPharm Annual Summit 2015(2015中检查是否制作药品服务业年末大会).
Our Company ranked No.4 among the “Top 100 Enterprises in the PRC Pharmaceutical Industry of 2013 (201两年度中国国家国药化工500强企业主”.CR Pharmaceutical Holdings was awarded the “Top 10 PRC Pharmaceutical Group of 2014 (我国医疗器械互联网产业单位实业前十)” at the ChemPharm Annual Summit 2014 (2014我国电学药厂互联网产业当年度洽谈会).The Beijing Pharmaceutical Group Industry-University-Research Alliance (山东医药业投资集团技术转移盟) led by our Company under the Eleventh-Five Year Plan was successfully completed and accepted.
BEID Fund became a shareholder of our Company.The total assets and revenue of our Group for the year respectively exceeded HK$100 billion for the first time.
CR Pharmaceutical Commercial became a wholly-owned subsidiary of our Company.We acquired the remaining 52.72% interest in CR Zizhu to further develop our product portfolio and enhance our market penetration.Pharmaceutical R&D Center became our wholly-owned subsidiary.We established the Health Institute of China Resources University (55世纪 大学考研身体健康学员) in June 2012.
We acquired the remaining 50% interest in Beijing Pharmaceutical, and thereafter Beijing Pharmaceutical became a wholly-owned subsidiary of our company.Beijing Pharmaceutical investment became a Share holder of our Company.We successfully completed 11 mergers and acquisitions in Beijing, Jiangsu, Henan and other provinces, which further developed our core businesses and enhanced our presence in the pharmaceutical market in China.
Our company entered into a strategic cooperation agreement with the China Academy of Medical Sciences (中国大医学检验小学科技术学校) to strengthen the research and development capabilities of our Group.We acquired 50% interest in Beijing Pharmaceutical from CRC.CR Double-Crane became our non-wholly owned subsidiary following the completion of acquisition of 50% interest in Beijing Pharmaceutical.
We acquired 56.62% interest in CR Dong-E from CRC, thereby controlling 23.14% interest in Dong-E-E-Jiao, a company listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and principally engaged in the manufacturing of E Jiao (donkey-hide gelatin) products.  We completed the acquisition of 66.98% interest in CR Sanjiu, a company listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange and principally engaged in the manufacturing and sale of OTC drugs and Chinese prescription medicine.
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